Wellness – It’s all about those small wins

08 January 2021

How to keep mentally and physically well in the tough winter months.

When we think of wellness, what do we immediately first think of? To keep well mentally or physically – or both? Do we eat a bar of our favourite chocolate, or watch a nice film or do we take ourselves off on a breakaway somewhere warm? Did you know that there are actually eight dimensions of wellness?

  1. Physical
  2. Social
  3. Spiritual
  4. Environmental
  5. Emotional
  6. Intellectual
  7. Occupational
  8. Vocational

I don’t know about you, but when we at Hartwell found that out, our first thought was crikey, that is a lot of important components to look after. The year 2020 was a very tough time for so many, and the rapidly changing rules and regulations have taken its toll on people’s social, occupational and emotional well-being.  


So, here are some little self-care tips and things we can do to ensure we are staying in that positive mindset and helping to look after ourselves despite what is going on around us. We want to help our customers feel great.

  1. Give yourself a pat on the back

We are always quick to point out the negatives and focus on the bad points, so instead, why not focus on the positives and give yourself praise for those everyday small wins. Sometimes just getting out of bed and making the bed is a small win. Try not to compare your life to others. Social media is a great tool for connecting with family and friends but it can also cause us to compare what we have to others. Try not too and appreciate what you have and list what you are grateful for.

  1. Keep connected

Even if you are at your lowest, don’t shut yourself off from the people that care. Reach out to those family members and friends, even if it can only be via Zoom or a telephone call with a quick cuppa and a biscuit. You will feel worlds better after a natter with your nearest and dearest. We as humans are naturally social, so planning future catch-ups and online quizzes etc. is a great way to keep your spirits up – and theirs.

  1. Take time

We live in such a fast-paced world now, and we try to cram so much into such small chunks of the day. SLOW DOWN! Take time for yourself and your loved ones. Even just taking 10 minutes to sit in a calm quiet space can do you the world of good, and If anything, 2020 taught us that we can just do nothing sometimes. We don’t have to fill our diaries and time with endless activities, we can appreciate our home space and what we have around us. Feelings of being overwhelmed can lead to stress, so in those moments take 10 minutes to read a good book, watch that film or listen to some music and just relax.

  1. Stay fit and well

Physically looking after yourself not only creates that sense of pride and achievement, physical exercise releases positive endorphins that flow through the body and make us feel great! Your body has a huge impact on your mind, therefore if your body is feeling great, your mind will too. We are not asking you to join the gym or run a marathon. Even just having a small walk every day and getting some fresh air will make you feel good and it’s another small win for you.